Show Her You Love Her

love each otherThere are any number of ways to show a woman that you care for her. Some women prefer to hear the words “I love you”. Some need affection and touch whilst others like to receive gifts. Here are some ideas that will leave your sweetheart in no doubt that you love her.

Show Love through Gifts

Some say that gift-giving men make better lovers! Gifts don’t have to be expensive, though if it is your anniversary, Valentine’s Day or other celebration you may want to spend more money. She will love her 50th anniversary gift as much as her first one.

Her favourite truffles are a better gift than a box of assorted chocolates. This shows that you are sensitive to what she really likes and shows generosity. A random gift, even a single flower, shows that she’s on your mind.

If you’ve heard your sweetheart talk about a particular piece of jewellery, bag or dress that she likes, but hasn’t yet bought, this could be your cue for a gift.

She will appreciate the effort and thought you have put into a gift.

Show love through words

A compliment, genuinely meant, goes a long way in making a woman feel good. Tell her how much you admire and cherish her. Tell her when she makes you happy, that you adore her sense of humour and let her know she looks gorgeous, not just at times when she’s made an effort when going out on a date with you, but when she wakes up or when she’s glowing after a walk.

Your darling may be working towards a promotion at work or perhaps has a project related to a hobby or interest. Show her that you support what she is doing by encouraging words and affirmations. She will appreciate that you want her to grow. All of these will show your love and your belief in what she is doing. If she inspires you with her work or interests, tell her. Whilst it’s lovely to be complimented for looking good, it’s even nicer to be complimented for ambition, insight and imagination.

Your love may enjoy having a pet name between the two of you. If it’s a bit cheeky, check with her whether it’s OK to use it when out with family and friends. She may find being called ‘my little cabbage’ when meeting the in-laws a little embarrassing. “I love you” must be said when you mean it and be creative to say that in different ways. Say it in sign language is a lovely way to communicate your love in busy or noisy situations.

Asking your lover for advice shows that you trust and respect her judgement. Listen to what she is saying and ask questions to show that you want to fully understand what she is saying.

Show love through actions

Showing love through actions clearly relates to sex. However actions that support your darling in her everyday life will show that you love her too. This could simply mean helping out at home with the chores and if these are already equally split, taking on a chore of hers when she’s tired and stressed.

Show your love with a random act of kindness. Send her a message at work to say you love her. Buy her favourite flowers for no reason, but just because you want to. Offer a foot massage before she asks. Buy her favourite chocolate when you’re at the store because you’ve noticed there’s none in the house and because you love her.

Don’t stop dating, a treat or surprise is delight however small. Bring her coffee in bed before she wakes if she usually does that for you. Make her lunch to take into work or surprise her with a picnic in the summer at your favourite local beauty spot.

Women like to be shown love in a mix of ways, so write her a love letter from your heart, in your own handwriting, however scrawly it is. Book tickets to a concert or go for a meal out. Go out for a walk in the sun or to watch the stars at night. Try a new experience like rock-climbing or join a local choir together. She’ll love you for it.